
Last month my husband and I took a quick trip to England, visiting his dear family and a few friends. With only one afternoon spent in London, we made it a priority to visit the Victoria and Albert Museum of art and design, a phenomenal source of inspiration for surface design! Unfortunately both the fashion and textile wings were closed on my visit, however the exhibits I did manage to see [and the gift shop] quickly propelled this museum to the top of my favorites list. I apologize for the window glare and lack of detailed notes, but had to share these anyway. Hope you enjoy!

All images by me, from the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, UK.

Recently a very good friend of mine was traveling to Guatemala and was kind enough to take some extra photos on my behalf. Below are some of the highlights, I would love to one day take this trip with her and see all this beauty for myself!

images thanks to Susan Margarita Gomez