Hi there, friends. I’m back from quite the long radio silence here on the blog, and if you ever came across our Patterns, Preggos & Painted Places series from last spring you won’t have to wonder why. The birth of our first baby came in late July, a little girl we named Persephone Snow West. Work slowed down a good deal but never came to a full halt, although activity here on the blog certainly did.
Well, we’re back, baby! I decided to start things off with a little inspiration pulled straight from my own domicile: the nursery. Behold all of it’s imperfect splendor. Note the missing crib sheet and changing pad cover from the above photo (in the wash). Drawer pulls are also absent in that photo, I had a few of these cuties on back order from Anthropologie at the time.

That being said, this little room is a rainbow resort is filled with assorted adorables, most of which were given to us by dear friends. It’s great that when your friends recognize your love of bright colors and patterns, they buy your baby things in bright colors and patterns.

While I didn’t exactly plan out a theme for the room, you might notice rainbows are kind of everywhere. From the super cool set of Pantone baby books, to the bedding, to the set of Alexander Lang’s fairy tales on the small book shelf.

The ceramic toadstool nightlight is one of the most unique gifts Persephone received, and one which we use on a daily (or rather nightly) basis. Other highlights from the room include a limited edition print from the amazing Esther Kim, and an early original drawing of beautiful ballerinas by fine artist Shirley Ruff. Both are priceless treasures that I hope my daughter will grow up to love as much as I do.

Thanks for checking out some of the colorful details in my babe’s new room. It’s an evolving work-in-progress that will no doubt grow alongside her.

I’m eight weeks away from my due date and it’s getting exceedingly difficult to find the time (and energy) to get out for these weekly photos. Not to mention the task of finding a cute getup that will fit my growing belly. I’ve managed to make it all the way to this point without actually buying any maternity clothes… I’m not really into the idea of buying something that I can only wear for a few more weeks, especially considering how overpriced all that stuff is. Once again, I’ll say that it pays to have a closet full of knits.

dress: Orion London
shoes: Cynthia Vincent
neighborhood: Downtown Los Angeles
We’re skipping ahead two weeks from our last installment, now clocking in at 31 weeks into this pregnancy. This week I’m rocking another killer vintage dress from one of my favorite shops in LA, Shareen’s Vintage. We decided to shoot against this colorful mural just down the street from us, at one of the small local parks in the Santa Monica area.
Come back next week for an update in our ongoing series: Patterns, Preggos & Painted Places.

dress: Shareen’s Vintage
shoes: Steve Madden
neighborhood: Santa Monica
So it’s been a few weeks since our last photograph. We try to dedicate a time slot every Sunday for these outings but some weekends are just too hectic to get it all done. So once again we stayed on the west side and found this cool wall at a bicycle shop in Venice Beach.
I’m wearing a vintage dress that I recently found at Shareen’s Vintage near downtown Los Angeles – that place is amazing. And so is the fruit cocktail print on this dress, which I appropriately wore to my picnic themed baby shower the week before. It’s only a shame I wasn’t able to maintain my watermelon slice manicure that I gave myself for the event… it was pretty sweet.
Come back next week for an update in our ongoing series: Patterns, Preggos & Painted Places.
