It is with great excitement that we announce our joining forces with Spoonflower in order to offer a growing selection of designs available for sale as fabric, gift wrap, and wallpaper. If you’re not already familiar with Spoonflower, you should check out their craft-inducing menu of products which are all produced and shipped from Durham, North Carolina. We have been huge fans of their high quality wrapping paper since last year – this is definitely NOT the crap you buy at the local pharmacy that rips like crazy when you try to drag scissors across a large area. No way. This is some beautifully printed, heavy duty paper. It’s so forgiving that should you find the need to reposition a piece of tape in the middle of wrapping a gift, it doesn’t even remove the ink from the print or tear the paper! In other words, it’s good stuff.
In an effort to get the word out about these great new products we are giving away three rolls of gift wrap to lucky winners, chosen at random, across three different platforms – one winner on the blog, one on Instagram, and one on Facebook. This means you have a total of three opportunities to enter the giveaway, enhancing your chances to up your gift giving game with some awesome Aaryn West wrapping paper. The drawing ends Friday, November 28th at 9pm PST. And entering couldn’t be easier – keep reading below for instructions on how get in on the action.

To enter on the blog:
Step 1 – Subscribe to the Aaryn West newsletter. Scroll up to the top of this webpage to find the form. If you’re already subscribed you are super awesome and can skip this step.
Step 2 – Leave a comment below describing the best gift you’ve ever received. Any gift, any reason.
To enter on Instagram:
Step 1 – Follow us on Instagram
Step 2 – ‘Like’ our Gift wrap Giveaway announcement post Instagram
Step 3 – Visit our Spoonflower shop to browse our designs
Step 4 – Comment on our Instagram post telling us your favorite design
Step 5 – Tag a friend
To enter on Facebook
Step 1 – Follow us on Facebook
Step 2 – ‘Like’ our Gift wrap Giveaway announcement post Facebook
Step 3 – Leave a comment telling us how many times a year you use wrapping paper.
Step 4 – Share the post
Winners will be announced in a blog post next Monday, December 1st. Good luck to everyone!

You guys. If you haven’t been over to Society6 recently just stop what you’re doing and go over there right now (ok, or after you finish this post). They have added so many great new products to their catalog recently, from clocks to shower curtains to muscle tanks, with the most recent addition of queen and king sized duvet covers! This means you can dress yourself and your home in cool, artsy designs from top to bottom. I can attest to the quality of their products because I use their mugs, pillows and tote bags on a daily basis. And not to brag, but I am the envy of all the bag boys at the grocery stores, I promise you that.
So take a minute to peruse the Aaryn West shop over at Society6 and treat yourself to something nice. You’ll feel good about it because everything they make is made in the United States. Or maybe just because everyone likes to have new stuff.

All images © Aaryn West
It dawned on us recently that while we’ve been on Instagram for some time now, we’ve done very little to promote our feed. It’s a great place to get a quick fix for inspiration, get a sneak-peek into our various projects, and see who we love to follow. Find us via the Instagram app under AarynWest, or on the web here.

Images © Aaryn West
It’s an exciting time for Aaryn West; We’ve been expanding the collection with a number of great new designers, engaging the community with expert posts, experimenting with surface products, and our art is on some amazing designer fashions.
Preview Our Entire Lineup
Gone are the curated experiences of our old system. With this iteration we’re giving each client 72 hours of unfettered access to preview our full collection. This allows our clients to review art otherwise missed by the scope of a request. We’ve made the system easier to use, allowing you to sort via the newest art, by category, by tag and by searching. Allowing registered users unrestricted access benefits us too, we can now focus on bringing new art to the viewer and getting you faster access to the latest artwork.
Shortlist the Perfect Print
The Online Collection is now equipped with a shortlist system for your convenience. The system is easy to use and can be hidden for unobstructed views when necessary. One click additions can be added via buttons next to every print. Save the artwork you’re interested in for later via your browser, persistent across visits. Add notes to your shortlisted prints, request recolors and send your list to us for sales responses, all from within the interface.
Expanding Client Services
With this rollout we mark a new year of improvements for our client services. Along with the updated collection, we’ve also brought our recolor and bespoke request forms online for registered clients. Each form outlines the basics we need to get your request moving, we’ve included upload slots for specifications you may need to send. We hope the Online Collection and Client Hub will help clients new and old stay more connected with our rolling trend updates. None of these updates change how you currently work with us, you’ll get the same personal service you always have. We’ll be updating and improving throughout the year, we always love to hear your feedback so please get in touch!
Register Today!
In honor of the product launch, clients registering for the Client Hub this week can receive a free recolor for any prints in their shortlist.
I’m very excited to share the bespoke print I created for the Fall 2013 collection of Los Angeles designer Katharine Kidd. This was a unique project which involved multiple processes to create the desired look, including spray painting roses black and photographing them in a darkened studio.

Katharine’s creative direction was clear and inspiring from the start, and the many ways in which she was able to utilize a single textile design throughout her entire Fall collection was astounding.

And of course it’s been cool to see the print in action, making it’s way onto a Refinery29 article from October ’13, The 7 L.A. Brands You Need In Your Closet Now. The print was also worn by interior designer Tami Ramsay in her December feature for The Atlantan, and was also spotted on Katharine Kidd herself for a charity gala back in November.

Head over to her website to find out more about Katharine, and be sure to check out the super cool Fall 2013 video lookbook while you’re there!
*lookbook and website images courtesy Katharine Kidd.
*last image courtesy The Atlantan.