I’m very excited to share the bespoke print I created for the Fall 2013 collection of Los Angeles designer Katharine Kidd. This was a unique project which involved multiple processes to create the desired look, including spray painting roses black and photographing them in a darkened studio.

Katharine’s creative direction was clear and inspiring from the start, and the many ways in which she was able to utilize a single textile design throughout her entire Fall collection was astounding.

And of course it’s been cool to see the print in action, making it’s way onto a Refinery29 article from October ’13, The 7 L.A. Brands You Need In Your Closet Now. The print was also worn by interior designer Tami Ramsay in her December feature for The Atlantan, and was also spotted on Katharine Kidd herself for a charity gala back in November.

Head over to her website to find out more about Katharine, and be sure to check out the super cool Fall 2013 video lookbook while you’re there!
*lookbook and website images courtesy Katharine Kidd.
*last image courtesy The Atlantan.
2013 turned out to be our best year yet at Aaryn West. As we begin 2014 we are determined to approach our craft with a renewed sense of inspiration and commitment. A heartfelt thanks goes out to all of our amazing artists, clients and admirers; we couldn’t be here without you. We look forward to an incredible year of pattern-filled collaborations ahead!
xo Aaryn
We may be well past Black Friday, but I have for you a hefty serving of last-minute gift ideas all those Patty Procrastinators out there. (I decided that should be a thing.) And this is not just any list of gift items, ladies and gentlemen. Within the pages of My Fair Gift Guide are over 175 green gift ideas collected by Rachel of My Fair Vanity, along with a small group of guest curators – including myself! It’s a vast offering of eco-friendly, made in America, and fair trade gift ideas that will empower and inspire you to make thoughtful gift choices. Now you don’t have to feel so bad about being so last minute.
It was an honor to be included among such fashionable ladies who are also known for being so kind to the earth. Each one of these ladies picked out things I would seriously love to call my own. This bright yellow journal that Rachel picked out would be perfect for on-the-go sketching. Dominique of Let’s Be Fair picked out these uber-cool letter openers that would make opening credit card statements a little less painful. The city-centric selection from Alden of EcoCult has the cutest tassel necklace from Krysos + Chandi that I would love to sport. This cardigan from David Peck chosen by spades + siLK can shut up and get in my closet right this minute. And wouldn’t these yoga socks, picked by yogi Carissa Ciuca, be the perfect solution to cold toes on the one day a year I make it to a yoga class? Maybe if I had them I would be better about that? Sounds like a legitimate reason to buy them, right?
And then there are my gift picks. For the pattern lover if your life, duh. I was sure to include some of my favorite designers currently contributing to the world of surface design, including the likes of Nikki Strange, Kindah Khalidy and Wind & Willow to name a few. So pick up something last-minute for someone you care about. Or buy something for yourself. I’m pretty sure it’s never too late to do that.

Hi there, friends. I’m back from quite the long radio silence here on the blog, and if you ever came across our Patterns, Preggos & Painted Places series from last spring you won’t have to wonder why. The birth of our first baby came in late July, a little girl we named Persephone Snow West. Work slowed down a good deal but never came to a full halt, although activity here on the blog certainly did.
Well, we’re back, baby! I decided to start things off with a little inspiration pulled straight from my own domicile: the nursery. Behold all of it’s imperfect splendor. Note the missing crib sheet and changing pad cover from the above photo (in the wash). Drawer pulls are also absent in that photo, I had a few of these cuties on back order from Anthropologie at the time.

That being said, this little room is a rainbow resort is filled with assorted adorables, most of which were given to us by dear friends. It’s great that when your friends recognize your love of bright colors and patterns, they buy your baby things in bright colors and patterns.

While I didn’t exactly plan out a theme for the room, you might notice rainbows are kind of everywhere. From the super cool set of Pantone baby books, to the bedding, to the set of Alexander Lang’s fairy tales on the small book shelf.

The ceramic toadstool nightlight is one of the most unique gifts Persephone received, and one which we use on a daily (or rather nightly) basis. Other highlights from the room include a limited edition print from the amazing Esther Kim, and an early original drawing of beautiful ballerinas by fine artist Shirley Ruff. Both are priceless treasures that I hope my daughter will grow up to love as much as I do.

Thanks for checking out some of the colorful details in my babe’s new room. It’s an evolving work-in-progress that will no doubt grow alongside her.

You may have noticed it’s been a little slow around the Aaryn West blog lately, thanks to a little something the stork delivered recently. It may be a few more months until we’re back at full blogging capacity, but in the meantime we plan to keep serving up our Monday Color Moods! Here’s a gold and green gem to get your week going!
Dalia Guenther by Ami Lafleur for Vision China June 2013 via here.
Dark Green Door by Meredith Heard via Flickr.
Daniel Smith via Flickr.
Euan Uglow via here.