Only four days remain to show us your fall color mood in Fair Vanity’s Fall Style Challenge, so we’re hooking you up with a little concentrated color inspiration to get you going. If you think sending us your style submission is too much trouble, think again.
Whether you use an outfit you’ve already posted or make a whole new ensemble/collage, email fairvanitydc [AT] the following before midnight on Thursday, November 1st to see your style featured on Fair Vanity:
1. A 640 width (max 853 pixel height) image of your fall outfit or collage inspired by one of our color boards (indicate which one in your email).
2. Describe the one Fair item in your outfit (vintage, used, fair trade, organic, vegan, made in the USA, borrowed, upcycled or recycled).
3. Don’t forget to include a link to your web site or blog so we can see more of your rockin’ style!
Check out the full details and show us your color mood.

Attempting to combine purple and gold can lead to a dangerously gaudy situation, and to be perfectly honest, we’re okay with that. But if you’re not trying to look like a thugged-out Barney, or Her Majesty, give this color combination a whirl.
Have you ever wondered how to incorporate our Monday Color Moods into your own personal style? We teamed up with Rachel of Fair Vanity, a Washington D.C. based blog focused on fair trade fashion and accessories, to bring you a fun style challenge with exactly that in mind…
And it really couldn’t be much easier. Start by picking out a color board to use as your inspiration, and style yourself an ensemble featuring at least ONE fair trade item. This includes anything made from sustainable materials, made in the USA [or your home country, for my international peeps], vegan, organic, up-cycled, vintage or hand-made. Snap a photo to submit by the November 1st deadline to see your style featured on the Fair Vanity blog! Camera shy? We’ve got you covered. Show us your color mood with a crafty collage like the one below.

Rachel chose A Hint of Mint, and even I got in on the action just to show you all how simple it can be [choosing Primary Agenda]. Email your image to Rachel by Nov. 1 to see your style on Fair Vanity, and see the original post for full details and guidelines.

This week we bring you a color palette so fresh and appetizing you’ll almost certainly want to eat it. The psychedelic, pastel granite-like texture of this Costello Tagliapietra dress is like a beautifully blended salad of celery and carrots. Throw in some sandwiches and scarabs and you’ve got yourself a perfect picnic.
The LA Textile show begins a week from today, so if you’re planning to be in Los Angeles Oct. 22-24th, you should swing by the Cal Mart downtown and come see us at booth #809! We’ll be showing the newest fall collections from both Aaryn West and Hunt+Gather. If you don’t have time to make it down to the show but would still like to see the collection, contact us and we’ll schedule an appointment. These are prints you won’t want to miss.