In an effort to shake things up a bit, this week’s color inspiration is pulled from a slightly unusual source and one of our all-time favorite music videos: P.M. Dawn’s Set Adrift On Memory Bliss, from 1991. The 90’s are making a huge comeback throughout fashion, and if I had to be trapped in a music video for the rest of my life, this ravetastic, bohemian wonderland would definitely be at the top of my list. You know those cool colored smoke bombs you saw earlier this year in several lookbooks? Yeah, this video has those. And to keep this color story and homage to P.M. Dawn as authentic as possible, a gif seemed utterly appropriate.
It’s Monday, which means only two weeks remain in our countdown until the opening of the Fall/Winter Los Angeles Textile Show. In addition to showing the newest Aaryn West prints, we’re excited to report we’ll also be showing prints by Hunt+Gather Studio, another super cool print studio based out of Taos, New Mexico. More details and booth number to be announced shortly, but for now mark your calenders for October 22-24.
As if we weren’t still excited after seeing one of our prints for Amour Vert featured in last month’s People Style Watch, two more of our designs from AV’s fall collection have hit stores. Head over to their shop to check out our prints and other très chic eco-apparel.

Hold on to your hat, people, because today is the first day of October. This means the whirlwind of the Fallidays is basically here. For us at Aaryn West it means the LA Textile Show is only three weeks away, and we’ve been keeping rather busy preparing for that, if you haven’t noticed from the distinct lack of blogging. (More details on the show soon, I promise!)
For now, I leaf you with an autumnal color story to get you in the mood for a month perhaps most famously known for it’s costumes… Willow Wonka, anyone? That would be kind of fun.
Spring bling meets safari swing in this week’s eclectic, yet girly color story. I’ve never been one for bows and pearls, so if a cute dress and heels are on the menu, it’s likely you’ll also find me with some combination of funky accessories to lighten the mood. Perhaps my style has a sense of humor? I mean, was I the only one watching Ugly Betty thinking she usually looked pretty cute??