It dawned on us recently that while we’ve been on Instagram for some time now, we’ve done very little to promote our feed. It’s a great place to get a quick fix for inspiration, get a sneak-peek into our various projects, and see who we love to follow. Find us via the Instagram app under AarynWest, or on the web here.

Images © Aaryn West
Running errands in Beverly Hills is always a little risky, you know, with the paparazzi always chasing me down and all. But even so, I decided to walk a few extra blocks just to take in the scenery. Even the graffiti was posh, go figure.

As a lover of all things bohemian and folksy, I pretty much died when I came across this collection of Ancient Ukrainian Embroidery over on the blog 50 Watts. I followed the link back to the original Picasa album, which is absolutely worth a few minutes of your time. I really don’t know which I prefer more – the bright, angular geos, or the dustier organic floral motifs? It’s so hard… I love them all!

A shout out to Booooooom for featuring an artist that really floats my boat, Michael Dotson. His paintings abound with bright, contrasting colors, geo shapes, print mixing, texture for days – and all presented in a semi-surreal, retro manner. That’s pretty much a recipe for awesome, right? Check out his website to see more of his work!