
While I’m jealous I couldn’t see these gorgeous sights for myself in person, I’m eternally grateful to artist and fellow textile designer Liz Brizzi for sharing her photos from a recent trip to Israel, Greece and Turkey. This post is the final installment of photos from this trip, I certainly feel I saved the juiciest inspiration for last. But don’t you fret, Ms. Brizzi has hinted there is another trip on her horizon. Look forward to more Brizzi Abroad in the new year. To find out more about Liz, visit her website and Etsy shop.

Aaryn West Brizzi Abroad, travel photos by Liz Brizzi
Aaryn West Brizzi Abroad, travel photos by Liz Brizzi
Aaryn West Brizzi Abroad, travel photos by Liz Brizzi
Aaryn West Brizzi Abroad, travel photos by Liz Brizzi
Aaryn West Brizzi Abroad, travel photos by Liz Brizzi
Aaryn West Brizzi Abroad, travel photos by Liz Brizzi
Aaryn West Brizzi Abroad, travel photos by Liz Brizzi
Aaryn West Brizzi Abroad, travel photos by Liz Brizzi


As a textile designer, I have a special appreciation for Vangel Naumovski (1924-2006), a surrealist painter originally hailing from Yugoslavia. The fine, floral detail and his use of color and shading really draw me in, and I see countless individual print motifs within each of his paintings. I also see the influence of my favorite Renaissance painter, Hieronymus Bosch.. interestingly enough, if you read the original post over at 50Watts, you’ll see Bosch mentioned among Naumovski’s influences, along with likes of Kandinsky, Klee, Ernst. As a fan of psychedelic art in general, I would say his gooey, organic shapes and bright, floral details certainly do not disappoint.

Vangel Naumovski, Playful Girls, 1975
Vangel Naumovski, Spiral Galaxy, 1981
Vangel Naumovski, Prohibited Thoughts, 1973
Vangel Naumovski, Black Cradle of Bright Life, 1963
Vangel Naumovski, Sunset Garden, 1968
Vangel Naumovski, Atlantis, 1977
Vangel Naumovski-detail of works


Last Sunday I went on a hunt for inspiration at the Rose Bowl flea market in Pasadena. To say that I “found some” would be quite the understatement. I wanted to share some of the 160+ images I took after trolling for hours around what was only a fraction of the vendors at this market. I managed to not spend very much money, however I did bring home a nice sunburn.


A trip to our rooftop garden and a quick walk down my street produced an amazing amount of natural inspiration this week. I’m addicted to the macro setting on my little digital camera, which is several years old and not all that high-tech, but creates some great results! I hope you enjoy this set of photos, I am particularly inspired by the striped textures from the trunk of a palm tree in the last photo.
