
Lately I’ve been looking at the world through rose colored glasses. I don’t know if I can give all the credit to Justina Blakeney and her #plantsonpink, (although credit where credit is due), but it seems that nature photos awash in bright pink hues have been popping up consistently in my own photo album.


Here are a few images taken on my favorite camera app on my phone, Hipstamatic. I like this app because of all various film + lens combinations that are possible, and using the shake-to-randomize feature which often produces unexpected results. Hence a pink Lake Tahoe.


The other method I used, in the case of the pink palm tree, is an app called DeluxeFX, which has a few false color options. I thought it had a pretty neat effect in this case.

I love the surreal and psychedelic quality and think it makes for great color inspiration.




All images © Aaryn West.




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Images © Aaryn West