Jeffrey Campbell

After a little online shopping one thing is clear: it’s definitely the season of printed shoes. Sandals, ballet flats, heels, boots, or 4″ platforms; you can find all of those and more in a stupid crazy array of prints. Whatever your style may be, there’s bound to be a pair with your name on it. Style them with jeans and a tee, or an LBD to let your feet lap up the attention. Or pull on a printed frock for a snazzy print-mixing look. Below are a few of my favorites, but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to what’s out there. Which ones are screaming your name?

Aaryn West Trends Statement Shoes


You’ll have no trouble channeling your inner feline with this trend in conversational prints: cats. Now, I love cats more than most people, but I don’t normally wear it on my sleeve.. however that may change if I can get my paws [did I just write that?] on any of the amazing items pictured below. Are you loving this trend, or would you rather eat some tuna and take a nap?

opening ceremony spring 2012
got a feline dress at modcloth
watercolor painting of cats
print trend conversationals cats
jeffrey campbell ipad case cats
caturday tunic at modcloth
victoria by victoria beckham spring 2012


Here’s one trend we’ve been seeing more and more of recently, particularly in the world of accessories: Tapestry. You might also call it needlepoint, and it overlaps with other closely related terms including cross-stitch and jacquard. The feeling it evokes is very sweet and grandmotherly, which is why I especially appreciate the irony created by those bad-ass Jeffrey Campbell kitty-cat platform boots.
