
Lately I’ve been looking at the world through rose colored glasses. I don’t know if I can give all the credit to Justina Blakeney and her #plantsonpink, (although credit where credit is due), but it seems that nature photos awash in bright pink hues have been popping up consistently in my own photo album.


Here are a few images taken on my favorite camera app on my phone, Hipstamatic. I like this app because of all various film + lens combinations that are possible, and using the shake-to-randomize feature which often produces unexpected results. Hence a pink Lake Tahoe.


The other method I used, in the case of the pink palm tree, is an app called DeluxeFX, which has a few false color options. I thought it had a pretty neat effect in this case.

I love the surreal and psychedelic quality and think it makes for great color inspiration.




All images © Aaryn West.




We love a good photo-based placement print here at Aaryn West, so we were excited to see several great examples on the runway featuring scenic nature views. This season we’re seeing the trend lean slightly away from realism and more toward fine art in some way. They appear subtly removed from reality, slightly enhanced by color, blur, or traditional fine art techniques.

